We offer comprehensive services in the area of tax law, covering matters related to municipal taxes (Economic Activity Tax, Public Entertainment Tax, Legal Betting Tax, Urban Property Tax), national taxes (Income Tax, Value Added Tax, Special Telecommunications Tax, Inheritance and Gift Tax, and other related branches), and special contributions (INCES, IVSS, etc.).
These services include preparing legal opinions on controversial tax issues, such as: withholding agents; recovery of tax credits; tax offsets; analysis of new tax regulations, like the 2020 Organic Tax Code or the Partial Reform to the 2020 Law establishing Value Added Tax; and a thorough study on the harmonization and coordination of different taxes.
Additionally, we offer services related to tax procedures, whether before SENIAT or the Municipality, and we handle all matters related to Tax Litigation Appeals before the Superior Courts or the Supreme Court of Justice.
We assist taxpayers in audit and verification procedures conducted by SENIAT at various companies and provide advice on national and international tax planning.
Finally, we manage all legal aspects of customs procedures or formalities.