Halim Moucharfiech Uzcátegui
Founding partner of the Law Office Moucharfiech Abogados.
Law degree from La Universidad del Zulia (LUZ), 1978. Postgraduate degree in Administrative Law from Universidad Católica Andrés Bello (UCAB), 1999.
He served as a lawyer at the law offices of Belloso & Asociados, and La Roche. He was a professor of Constitutional Law at La Universidad del Zulia (LUZ). He was honored with the Order of Arminio Borjas, First Class. He has been a legal advisor for Destacamento No. 30 of Las Fuerzas Armadas De Cooperación, Banco Hipotecario Del Este, C.A., Auto Agro De Maracaibo, Tracto Zulia, S.A., Banco Hipotecario Unido, S.A., among others. He has participated in various courses and conferences and has provided legal counsel for over 25 years to different companies in civil, commercial, tax, and maritime law.